Broken Hill CBD Renewal Strategy

The project
A strategic design capturing unique qualities of the National Heritage-listed city, establishing principles, initiatives and a future vision for its ongoing transformation. A process of listening, learning and allowing the character of Broken Hill to inform the design response.
The challenge
It was clear that this was not another main street beautification project, rather a plan for economic revitalisation. We consulted with the community on practical issues such as safety, lighting, how to make more public space for people in a car-dependent culture and the importance of shade trees in Broken Hill’s harsh climate. The final plan included design installations to bring the history of the city to life, including its mining heritage and thriving art scene.
Masterplanning, Concept Design, Community engagement.
This project was in collaboration Allen Jack + Cottier Architects and ElectroLight and was undertaken while Saneia was employed at the NSW Government Architect’s Office.